Wednesday, December 8, 2010

let me be peter pan... for like forever

This title came up just now. Last month, I turned 22. It makes no difference for me as I always think that I'm trapped in a 16-yo soul. LOL. But I mean it. But to be honest, being 22 is such a heavy burden for me. You know, I am now officially an adult (since I was 21, I was already officially an adult actually). I now have to be responsible for my life. I have to start thinking about my future seriously, about what I'm going to do and to be in the future and so on and so forth. And it's kind of frustrating for me.

Other thing that I also find frustrating is the conversation. Adults' conversation is just plain boring because it's too darn serious. People now start talking about life to me. They talk about career, life partner, personal and financial issues and so on. This is so frustrating. I try my best to be involved and be interested in such conversation. But I just can's stop thinking about what I should eat for lunch, which Glee's soundtrack that I haven't downloaded, what movies I should watch this weekend, what books I haven't finished reading etc everytime people happen to talk about those serious things. I hate myself for being so immature, but I just can't help it.

This whole idea about growing up really scares me to death.

I don't want to grow up.
I want to be forever 16.
Oh, dear life.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Currently, I'm addicted to this song. I love the lyrics. It reminds me that I should keep the sparks in me. That I should keep the faith to pursue my dreams and goals. 

Fireworks - Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

taken from this link

Sunday, November 14, 2010

pop-up in my head

A: Why rock the boat?
B: Because I have to know that we are on the same boat and heading to the same direction.

Monday, October 25, 2010

on a quest for french fries

pict from this source

Untuk seseorang yang kemarin dengan baik hatinya mengajak gue ke McDonald dan rela kehujanan demi kentang goreng yang gue idam-idamkan (walaupun ternyata rasanya tidak sesuai dengan apa yang gue inginkan, hehe), terima kasih banyak, ya :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i'm just doing my job

"You hate me, don't you?"  - IRS Agent to Happy Gilmore

Seminggu yang lalu, gue baru aja nonton film "Happy Gilmore." I always love Adam Sandler. Dan entah kenapa kutipan di atas melekat banget di otak gue, terutama sekarang ini.  Kutipan ini diambil dari adegan saat si IRS Agent harus menyita rumah dan barang-barang milik neneknya Gilmore karena si nenek engga membayar pajak selama setahun. Karena ngerasa engga enak harus bertindak sekejam ini, si IRS Agent pun ngomong gitu ke Gilmore. Gue rasa gue sedang merasakan hal yang sama dengan tokoh IRS Agent (kasian sekali ya dia cuma dinamai IRS Agent): melakukan hal yang membuat orang (mungkin) benci sama gue.

Seperti yang udah pernah gue bilang sebelumnya, gue sekarang bekerja sebagai subtitling-officer di salah satu TV swasta nasional yang juga bagian dari grup korporat penyiaran besar. Gue suka sama kerjaan gue sekarang. Awal-awalnya sih emang sering rada mati gaya di kantor karena kerjaan belum banyak, tapi lama-lama gue menikmati "kemagabutan" gue dan lama-lama kerjaannya emang makin banyak juga, haha. Nah, kerjaan gue adalah memeriksa dan mengedit subtitle film atau tayangan ber-subtitle lainnya. Itu lah kenapa gue sangat menikmati kerjaan gue sekarang: gue memang paling suka mengedit. Rasanya enak banget meriksa dan memperbaiki hasil kerjaan orang lain. Mungkin karena faktor sifat dasar manusia yang memang suka sekali mencari kesalahan orang lain kali ya? Haha. Anyway, berhubung gue orangnya suka memperhatikan detail, jadilah gue sangat mendetail sekali dalam meriksa subtitle. Terlebih lagi, menurut gue menerjemahkan itu gak bisa sembarangan. salah satu teman gue pernah menulis di status facebooknya "penerjemah itu bagaikan nabi" dan gue setuju banget. Tugas seorang penerjemah itu berat banget karena harus bisa menyampaikan pesan dalam suatu teks. Dan dari semua jenis teks yang pernah gue terjemahin, menurut gue yang paling sulit adalah menerjemahkan teks dengan tema atau unsur budaya di dalamnya, misalnya teks film, novel atau komik. Jadi, menurut gue pekerjaan menerjemahkan skrip film cukup sulit. Karena itu, gue sangat menghargai sekali para penerjemah subtitle film yang suka gue periksain. Tapi sayangnya, ga semua penerjemah sadar bahwa mereka mengemban tugas yang sangat berat, hahaha. Maksud gue, ada beberapa penerjemah yang asal-asalan dalam menerjemahkan. Ini sering gue temuin dalam subtitle tayangan-tayangan MTV. Banyak banget penerjemah yang sangat teramat tidak kompeten dalam menerjemahkan dialog atau unsur-unsur budaya dalam dialog misalnya istilah slang dsb.

Dan minggu lalu, gue meriksa beberapa tayangan bersubtitle dari satu PH. Ya Tuhan, sungguh hasil terjemahannya kacau sekali. Gue jadi bukan berasa meriksa tapi menerjemahkan ulang. Akhirnya, gue suruh lah ya PH itu untuk merevisi hasil kerjaannya. Dan gue kasih segala macam hasil koreksi-an gue, aturan-aturannya, skripnya, link web untuk istilah slang dan nyari skrip dll dsb. Dan si pihak PH pun membalas email gue dengan curhat panjang lebar dengan nada kesal. I took linguistic major, i can read the tone of a writing, fyi *sombong*. Dan bahkan dia akhirnya menelepon dan curhat sama mba kantor yang lebih senior. Intinya ya dia kesal harus revisi melulu.

Awalnya sih ya gue kesal juga sama responnya si PH ini karena kesannya dia menganggap gue terlalu mencari-cari kesalahan. Padahal kan ya, emang kesalahannya terlalu luar biasa, haha. Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir kasihan juga sih dia, dia kan hanya penghubung. Dan kasihan juga dia harus kerja dua kali. Yang salah emang penerjemahnya. 

Intinya sih ya gue cuma pengen bilang kalau kadang gue ngerasa engga enak juga kalau harus membuat orang kesal sama apa yang gue lakuin. But hey, i am just doing my job :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

500 reasons why i love (500) days of summer - part 1

Well, actually I don’t have 500 reasons why I love this movie. It’s just an exaggeration, you know. So, first of all, for some of you who don’t know about this movie yet, let me tell you this loud and clear: “you are missing of one the best drama-comedy-musical movies ever made, my friend!” But, no worries, you’ll about to find out about it, in just a moment.

(taken from link)

This movie tells about how Tom Hansen (the main character) falls in love with a girl, Summer Finn, how she breaks his heart and how he is finally able to mend the pieces of his broken heart (yes, I take this line from this song). This is the very first reason why I love this movie: because it is about a broken-hearted boy. You know, love story usually revolves around a girl who falls in love, a girl who tries to impress and get a guy, a girl who would do anything to get her prince charming and so on and so forth. But, this movie is simply different. And I love it. Anyway, before I spoil all the reasons here, if you wanna know further about this movie, go check this link or this link.

And now, let me start telling you my 500 reasons why I love (500) Days of Summer:
Reason #1: As I write earlier, I love this movie because it tells about a broken-hearted boy. Maybe, because I watch way too many girls being hurt by jerks in those typical Hollywood movies, I unconsciously enjoy watching how Summer Finn breaks Tom Hansen’s heart, haha. You know, I’m a bit feministic when it comes to love. No, let me correct it, I am a feminist when in comes to almost everything. But, seriously I enjoy this different depiction about a broken-hearted person.

Reason #2: I like the plot. Actually, it's a common present-past-present plot. But, I love how the writer uses the numbers (500) to bring the audience go back and forth around Tom Hansen’s not-so-called love story.

Reason #3: I love the narrator. He is so witty. I love his voice's tone. I love his kinda cynical jokes. I love how he tells upfront at the beginning of the movie that "this is not a love story."

Reason #4: I love the color of the picture. I notice that the main color used in the movie is light brown, which is one of my favorite colors. It's interesting because the movie itself entitled “(500) Days of Summer,” but the color mostly used in the movie is light brown which according to my opinion actually resembles the autumn season. The blue color, which represents the color of the sky in the summer of course, is mostly used in Summer's wardrobe and in the scene when Tom is so happy and dances on his way to his office as he feels like he's in love with Summer.

Reason #5: I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt's and Zooey Deschanel's acting in the movie. They are really into the characters. I love how the director depicts Tom Hansen as an adequate person who is also, I think, charming in a way. And I love how the director depicts Summer Finn as the bad-girl in an innocence way.

Reason #6: I love the soundtrack! All the songs featured in the movie are super awesome. Here is the list:
  1. "A Story of Boy Meets Girl" – Mychael Danna and Rob Simonsen
  2. "Bad Kids" – Black Lips
  3. "Hero" – Regina Spektor
  4. "Vagabond" – Wolfmother
  5. "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" – She & Him
(taken from this source)

My favorites are “Us” and “Sweet Disposition”. By the way, do you know that the vocalist of Temper Trap is an Indonesian? His name is Dougy Mandagi. It’s pretty cool, right? And for your information, “Sweet Disposition” is also featured in one of the episodes of MTV’s series “The Hard Times of RJ Berger.”

Reason #7: I love the script, all the dialogues in the movie. I think the script writer, which is also the director, Marc Webb, is a superb brilliant person. He is just so witty. And I love the fact how he uses some of linguistic features (linguistic is my field of study in college, btw). I really want to tell the details here. But I think, I’ll save it for later.

Geez, I really want to write all the reasons here, but I’m afraid I’ll have to post this post a year from now if I choose to do so. So, I guess, I’m gonna divide this post into several parts. So, ciao!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

so, why blogging?

hello, keyboard and pc screen :) - image from this source

Mungkin beberapa orang bakal nganggap "telat banget, hareee genee baru bikin blog." Emang sih rada telat ya saya baru bikin blog sekarang? Sebenarnya dari dulu saya niat banget bikin blog dan teman-teman saya juga selalu nyaranin buat bikin blog, tapi saya males dan dengan sombongnya selalu mikir "nanti ide-ide dan tulisan saya dicuri lagi sama orang." Pede banget ya? Kaya bakal ada aja yang baca blog ini.
Anyway, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk nulis blog karena saya rasa saya bakal gila kalo ga nulis blog. Dan saya serius. Oke, mari saya jelaskan sedikit tentang kehidupan saya sekarang ini. Saya baru aja lulus bulan Januari lalu. Sekarang saya bekerja di sebuah televisi swasta sebagai subtitling officer. Dari namanya sih kayanya keren ya kerjaan saya, padahal sih ya... emang keren :p. Kerjaan saya meriksa subtitle film atau tayangan lain yang bersubtitle sebelum tayang. Saya sih senang banget kerja di tempat sekarang ini. Kerjanya nyantai, orang-orangnya baik dan suasana kantornya juga menyenangkan. Bahagia memang kerja di bidang media (sok tahu bener ya saya, kaya yang pengalaman kerjanya udah puluhan tahun aja). Tapi, jujur aja, saya engga punya teman ngobrol dan bertukar pikiran yang cocok di kantor. Atau emang kalo di kantor kita ga bisa nyari teman ya? Engga kan ya? Orang-orang kantor saya memang baik-baik sekali dan lucu-lucu juga, tapi kebanyakan dari mereka sudah berumah tangga, kalau pun ada yang belum menikah, ya cuma 1-2 orang dan itu pun perbedaan umurnya 5 tahun sama saya. Jadi ya intinya ya saya ga punya teman untuk tuker pikiran yang cukup nyambung. Dan saya cuma bisa puas ketemu teman-teman saya pas akhir pekan aja.
Jadi, daripada saya gila karena memendam semua ide, pengalaman, khayalan, perasaan dll ini dalam hati dan pikiran saya sendiri, maka saya memutuskan untuk bikin blog deh. Jadi, intinya adalah saya memang menulis untuk tujuan yang sangat luar biasa mulia: untuk diri saya sendiri. Sekian. Terima kasih.
Happy blogging, dear me!


hello! - from google image
Hello, world!