Tuesday, July 24, 2012

satisfaction guaranteed

Do you know that feeling when you crave for something and you can successfully fulfil the crave? Well, I know and it is such a relieving satisfaction. Priceless.

I have been craving for fish and chips (and fries) lately. I wanted to eat in Fish & Co, but it would be so tiring to go there after work (the nearest Fish & Co is located pretty far from my office and even my house), thanks to Jakarta almost-unbearable trafffic these days. And I have this kind of urge to fulfill my crave with only the best I could possibly get because otherwise if the food (or thing I'm craving for) is below my expectation, even at the slightest, I would probably going to hate that food for the rest of my life and never want to eat it ever again.

So, to play it safe, I decided to have Secret Recipe's fish and chips as my dinner last night. And it was good. It is not the best fish and chips, but it tasted the way I expected it to be. The fish was good, it is not too cripsy on the outside, and it is so moist and a bit juicy on the inside, whereas the chips are too thick for me. But it tasted good though. My boyfriend ordered chicken black pepper as I recommended, and the blackpepper sauce tasted super tasty. The chicken is served with rice that is fried with the blackpepper sauce. It was good for our tummy.

By the way, I lost my camera charger, and that is why I have to use my poor-quality cellphone camera. I hope the filter does not make the pictures quality becomes even worse.

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